Republican State Rep Wes Cantrell to introduce bill to remove one-year wait for refugees to access instate tuition *Updated

Newly arrived refugees and SIV holders would be put ahead of Americans and legal immigrants who live in other states in the line for lower tuition rates.
D.A. King
January 13, 2022


Photo: Axios

The below from an email forwarded here from a concerned reader who follows a leftist, open borders agency here called Coalition of Refugee Service Industries (CRSA).

The immediate take-away is that the newly arrived refugees and SIV holders would be put ahead of Americans and legal immigrants who live in other states in the line for lower tuition rates. If the goal is for increased levels of Dem-voting refugees in Georgia, this is a good way to get there.

For academic year 2020-2021, the average tuition & fees for colleges in Georgia was $4,739 for instate and $17,008 for out-of-state according to experts at

–>*Update: Rep Cantrell’s bill is now online. Along with at least two Democrats and some usual liberal/Georgia Chamber of Commerce GOP suspects, the Republican House Speaker Pro Tem Rep Jan Jones is a cosponsor. These politicians want to change state law so that refugees and Afghans who move to Georgia don’t have to endure the current one-year residency wait to access instate tuition rates.

GA House Speaker ProTem Jan Jones. Photo: Ga General Assembly.

Americans and legal immigrants who move here are not affected by the legislation – your U.S. citizen cousin who moves here from Ohio or Arizona or any other state would still be required to pay the out of state tuition rate for a year. This is a product of the Ga Chamber organized sham House special committee hearings I followed last Summer & Fall. I wrote about them here.

If you are short on time, just read #4.

It’s HB 932.