King hits House leaders on immigration reform
Molly K. Hooper
The Hill
August 12, 2013
RICHMOND, Va. — GOP Rep. Steve King blasted his party's House leaders Monday for allowing an immigration vote that would "benefit the elitists, political power brokers, employers of illegals.”
The Iowa lawmaker charged that the current congressional push for immigration reform amounted to amnesty.
Cantor chastised King several weeks ago for remarks made to, in which King said that for every “valedictorian” child born to parents illegally in the U.S., there were "another 100 out there … [with] … calves the size of cantaloupes ... hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."
Event coordinator, Roy Beck of NumbersUSA, made a point of saying that the rally spot was chosen because Cantor needed to hear from the "wage earners" who Beck said would be harmed by comprehensive immigration reform.
“We’ve got to make sure that Eric Cantor pays attention to the wage earners — that's why we're here looking over his district as we talk tonight,” Beck said.
Speaking to a crowd of nearly 60 people, King decried congressional Republicans for moving measures he claimed would benefit the Democratic Party. Sporting a red tie, white collared shirt and dark suit pants, the feisty conservative was the featured speaker at a special "Stop Amnesty Now" town-hall event held at a park overlooking House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's Richmond-based district.
Cantor chastised King several weeks ago for remarks made to, in which King said that for every “valedictorian” child born to parents illegally in the U.S., there were "another 100 out there … [with] … calves the size of cantaloupes ... hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."
Event coordinator, Roy Beck of NumbersUSA, made a point of saying that the rally spot was chosen because Cantor needed to hear from the "wage earners" who Beck said would be harmed by comprehensive immigration reform.
“We’ve got to make sure that Eric Cantor pays attention to the wage earners — that's why we're here looking over his district as we talk tonight,” Beck said.