Indiana Immigration bills 2024
Here's the bills introduced in the Indiana Statehouse this session.
House bills HB 1065 Instate Tuition Earl Harris ( Democrat ) Education committee
Senate Bills
SB 106 Instate tuition Niezgodski ( Democrat ) Doriot ( Republican)
Education and Career Development Committee.
SB 138 Driving Privileges cards Doriot ( Republican ) Homeland
Security committee
Last year I was the only one to speak against the Drivers Card bill.
There are now 7 members on the Homeland Security committee instead of
9 like last year.
3 of the present 7 voted against the bill last year. We should be able
to kill this bill in committee if we put in the effort.
Sen. Michael Crider This clown was an FBI agent but supported the bill
last year!
Sen. James Tomes Voted against drivers cards last year
Sen. James Buck Voted against drivers cards last year
Sen. Gary Byrne
Sen. John Crane Voted against drivers cards last year
Sen. Blake Doriot
Sen. Mark Messmer A union business owner
Sen. Jean Breaux
Thanks for the help
Greg Serbon
IFIRE 219-545-1206
Group Hopes To Block Laws Denying In-State Tuition, Revoking Tax Credits
INDIANAPOLIS --The ACLU of Indiana is filing a lawsuit on behalf of foreign-born people Wednesday over immigration laws Gov. Mitch Daniels recently signed.
The Indiana Legislature passed two bills in April concerning illegal immigrants, one that denies in-state tuition at state-supported universities and another that revokes some tax credits for businesses that hire illegal immigrants.