Wisconsin columnist remains clueless about immigration's impact on Americans

Baraboo News Republic columnist Pat Nash, who thrives on demonizing Republicans while glorifying Democrats as the saviors of what's left of our democracy, recently led me to believe that she was finally "getting it" in regard to the subject of immigration.

In a November 5 e-mail to me, Nash said a column "was coming" from her noting how both political parties have thrown American workers under the bus in favor of immigrants, especially those here illegally.

I'm still waiting for such a column.

With the U.S. House's Dec. 13 passage of the 2015 CRominbus spending bill that excludes any provisions to defund Obama's unconstitutionalamnesty for nearly 5 million illegal aliens, this seems like the perfect time for her to put her money where her mouth is.

I caution against holding one's breath waiting for Nash to make good on her pledge.

To hear Nash tell it, our economy would collapse without immigrant workers, legal and illegal, but don't expect her to acknowledge that the ongoing influx influx of cheap foreign labor that began nearly 30 years ago has robbed Americans of jobs and depressed wages across the board, even for legal immigrants.

"Who is going to clean the hotel and motel rooms, cook the meals in restaurants, landscape the yards of the rich, pick the fruits and vegetables if all the immigrants leave?" she asked in her e-mail. "Do you have any idea how many immigrants fill those jobs and how many "whites" refuse to do them?"

Who said anything about "all immigrants" leaving? How about just the 7 million illegal aliens holding payroll jobs in the construction, manufacturing, transportation and service industries?

And why did Nash inject race into this subject? The presence of unneeded foreign workers is a detriment to all workers regardless of their skin color. Is Nash aware that the unemployment and poverty rates among Blacks and Hispanic-Americans are the nation's highest? Is she able to offer a clue as to how these most vulnerable of Americans who are among the 18 million citizens who can't find full-time work will fare thanks to Obama's unconstitutional amnesty that gives work permits and Social Security numbers to millions of job thieves?

Like so many apologists for amnesty and cheap labor, Nash ignores the facts. For example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that Americans already are doing the majority of jobs in the service industries like cleaning hotel rooms, restaurants, landscaping. As for agriculture, illegal aliens make up only about 4 percent of the workers in the fields and those working legally are plentiful through the H-2A visa program.

Jobs Americans won't do? Not hardly. It is more accurate to say they won't do those jobs for the kind of wages that benefit employers the most.

As I said, this seems like the opportune time for Nash to put up or shut up about her "coming" column blasting both the GOP and the Democrats for continuing their war on American workers at all skill levels. I'm betting we hear nothing but "crickets" from her.

Remember: If you want your voice heard in Congress, please consider joining NumbersUSA. Membership is free you then are able to send freefaxes from your computer to your representative and senators. If you are disappointed and frustrated by Congress' refusal thus far to challenge Obama's dismantling of our immigration system and backstabbing American workers, know that these "lawmakers" do what they do because they rightly believe that many Americans simply don't care. The public's apathy is what fuels their insidious agenda.