Why is Rep. Paul Ryan promoting Obamamnesty for illegal aliens?
By Dave Gorak, 07/05/2013
You know him as Paul Ryan, "Mr. Anti-Deficit" and GOP presidential wannabe, who represents Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District. But when it comes to the immigration issue, he's also the Marco Rubio of the U.S. House of Representatives.
He's working diligently behind the scenes on behalf of Obamamnesty, in thick with the corporate elites who spend their working lives gorging themselves at the cheap labor trough. He's now joined at the hip with illegal alien poster boy Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Chicago), who continues to troll for easily manipulated Republicans willing to support the eighth amnesty since 1986 that would ultimately produce millions more Democratic voters.
Ryan recently challenged anyone to debate him on whether the recently passed Senate amnesty bill, which has the White House's sticky fingerprints on it from top to bottom, is really an amnesty. This bill, including the last-minute "border surge" amendment that promises 20,000 more Border Patrol agents, would have never made it to the Senate floor for debate without the approval of the man who in 2008 led millions by the nose with the help of the media and promised them change they could believe in.
Ryan is very articulate and will dazzle you with his knowledge of statistics as they relate to federal spending. But he's not comfortable with all statistics, such as the 20 million Americans who can't find full-time work. How will their search for a better life be affected if we give work permits to 11 million illegal aliens, including the 7 million already working in construction, manufacturing, transportation and services? If we double annual legal immigration to 2 million people as does the Senate bill?
If you happen to see Ryan during July Fourth celebrations pressing the flesh at parades, picnics, schmoozing with veterans and the like, ask him why his behavior suggests that he doesn't like American workers. Does he think blue collar wage earners qualify as being "stakeholders" in the immigration debate? If not, why not?
Ask him, too, if the price we are paying for American freedom - nearly 2 million Americans killed in service since the nation's founding - is worth it in light of the very low regard Americans are held by their morally bankrupt government.