Texas newspaper demonizes group working to heighten awareness of Americans killed by illegal aliens

During the nearly 18 years that I have been monitoring the media's unprofessional coverage of our federally created immigration crisis, I have seen plenty of obnoxious "news" stories that can't say enough about the "plight" of those foreigners who deliberately violate our immigration laws and then demand that Americans show them "respect."

But most of these boilerplate sob-sister stories that eagerly assign victim status to those here illegally come close to the meanness and viciousness of the Houston Chronicle's September 16 piece by Lomi Kriel profiling the Houston-based The Remembrance Project. 

Founded in 2009 by Maria Espinoza, The Remembrance Project (RP) works to call attention to those Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens.  That, apparently, is sufficient enough to label this group "anti-immigrant," according to the Chronicle.

Beginning with the headline, "Trump puts local anti-immigrant group in spotlight," Ms. Kriel sets the tone for the rest of her story that includes the Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Mark Potok attempting to equate PR's message with that of the Ku Klux Klan.  Adding salt to the wound, she threw in the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) opinion that Ms. Espinoza's group is painting all illegal aliens with the "same brush."

Sad, don't you think, that the SPLC and ADL are willing to express outrage over RP's "harsh" rhetoric but will not speak out against the government's allowing 7 million illegal aliens to remain in their non-farming payroll jobs while 15 million Americans are unable to find full-time work.

In a word, Ms. Kriel's story is a hatchet job that mocks the real victims - and their families - of a senseless immigration policy put in place by a federal government that leaves Americans wondering whether only the foreign-born are entitled to search for a better life in this country.