Obama's 'transparent' government hiding number of released illegal border crossers from Central America

In February 2009, newly elected President Barack Obama said:

"My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government.  We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government."

But this "openess" and "transparency" have gone missing as we learn that in recent months the government has released a number of families from Central America who have taken up Obama's invitation to enter this country illegally without fear of reprisals.

According to the Associated Press, the government knows how many  of these illegal border crossers are involved but refuses to release the exact number that many say exceeds 40,000.  The story notes that since June 9 the government has dodged this question at least seven times.

Why the secrecy about this blatant attack on our sovereignty and the rule of law, both of which one would think should have all members of Congress furiously demanding answers from the White House.  Perhaps the AP reporter is on to something when she says "the image-conscious Obama administration doesn't want to reveal politically sensitive information that could influence an important policy debate."

A policy debate, please remember, that deliberately excludes the American people whose tax dollars will increasingly be required to pick up the tab for the rampant political stupidity surrounding the nation's laughable immigration policy.

The only transparency about Obama's immigration stance is his contempt for our immigration laws and willingness to weaken them whenever the opportunity for political gain presents itself.  Under the guise of it being "the right thing to do," he will continue to attack the very principles on which this republic was founded unless more of us raise our voices to the same level as those demanding that we surrender our right to govern ourselves.  Your representatives and senators need to hear from you - now.