Illegal alien's killing of citizen a 'little thing,' says congressman
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Chicago), who proudly boasts that his "only loyalty is to immigrants," proved it once again during a recent interview with Telemundo.
Defending "sanctuary cities" that refuse to cooperate with the federal government in enforcingimmigration laws, Gutierrez said of the July 1 murder of Kathryn Steinle by an illegal alien who is a convicted felon and had been deported five times:
"Every time a little thing like this happens, they use the most extreme example to say it (sanctuary city policies) must be eliminated."
In recent days the media have been demanding Donald Trump's head for his "controversial" remarks about Mexicans and attacking Sen. John McCain's "war hero" reputation, but the nation's mainstream journalists have yet to muster one word of condemnation for Gutierrez's cavalier dismissal of the murder of one of his fellow citizens.
Gutierrez's contempt for American sovereignty and our immigration laws is shared by many other "Americans" who know no borders and are equally unbound by any rules of conduct. This unbridled cruelty and disrespect for the American people were again evident on the eve of this week's congressional hearings featuring the families of children killed by illegal aliens.
According to one pro-illegal alien advocate who represents a group calling itself Asian Americans Advancing Justice, these hearings are nothing more than a "circus" where "anti-immigrant voices" will try to "politicize" Ms. Steinle's death.