GOP's "Pledge to America" sells out America's unemployed
In its 7,852-word "Pledge to America," the Republican Party demonstrates that it is as spineless as the Democrats when it comes to addressing the impact of mass immigration, much of it illegal, on American jobs.
Nowhere in this document, which mentions "jobs" 15 times, will you find any proposals for dealing with the fact that while 22 million Americans are unable to find full-time work, 7 million illegals are being permitted to keep their jobs and our federal government continues each month to issue 125,000 work permits to foreigners?
How can the GOP expect us to take them seriously when they refuse to call for the strict enforcement of our immigrations that were created primarily to protect American workers?
Pledge to America? More like a pledge not to offend the various "immigrant rights" groups that work nonstop to undermine our immigration laws and the sovereignty of the American people.