GOP's election of Paul Ryan as House Speaker is more bad news for American workers

American workers at all skill levels, already facing an uncertain jobs environment, saw their search for a better life threatened even more with the election of Rep. Paul Ryan as House Speaker.

Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, has a long history of favoring open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, recently was revealed as being the House’s leading advocate of pushing through a House version of the 2013 Senate amnesty bill that would have doubled annual legal immigration to 2 million people and added 33 million foreign workers to our already bloated labor force.

His efforts to sacrifice American workers, including the 15 million citizens who can’t find full-time work on the altar of political gain, can be seen in the Oct. 20 “Frontline” documentary “Immigration Battle.”

Like most of his fellow Republicans, Ryan is more than happy to share a treason-infested bed with the Democratic Party that years ago gave up the right to boast that it stood up for American workers.  The most flagrant traitor among the Democrats is Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who glorifies Ryan as his “guiding light” on immigration.  Gutierrez has never tried to hide his real agenda even though he was elected by citizens, proudly proclaiming in recent years that his “only loyalty is to immigrants.”

Like their Democratic counterparts, the Republican Party is a party of liars that has shown just how little its members care about the promises it makes to the American people.  The most recent example of this can be found prior to the November election when the GOP spent hundreds of thousands on advertising that said its candidates were going to fight President Obama’s executive amnesty for 5 million illegal aliens.  Nearly a year later, we see no evidence that the GOP ever had any intention to, in the words of former Speaker John Boehner, fight “tooth and nail” to rescind President Obama’s executive amnesty for 5 million illegal aliens.

Some say the answer to Congress’ betrayal of the people is to “vote them all out,” but then the question becomes, “And replace them with whom?”  More of the same who even before they take their oath of office have agreed to put the interests of their respective parties and special interest groups ahead of our citizens?